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Our combined dress rehearsal with the orchestra and other choirs will be on:

Saturday, February 8, 2020, 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM at St. Catherine of Siena Church (8500 8th Ave NE, Seattle)


Concert: Saturday, February 15, 2020, 2:00pm. Call time TBD.


Resources for the Beethoven 9th Symphony Finale

Rehearsal Recordings - there are many available! Here are just plain part lines from Cyber Bass. 

Here are ones with voice overs - Soprano, Alto, Tenor, Bass. You have to click a link for each section of measures.

Sheet Music The scores in our library have both English and German, which I think is harder to read than this score. You may wish to print a copy of this to use. 

Performance Recording - sorry for the ads, but it's a good chorus with music to follow along with! The choral part does not start until 6:52. Main harmonized theme (familiar) is at 11:54. Another section we will surely perform in December is from 16:04 to 17:55.

NOTES: No splits, just a lot of music to learn. 


Here is a guide for marking your scores so that we can use our multiple editions.




We will present 15-20 minutes of our own music before the Beethoven 2nd half. Two pieces will come from our December concert, two from our March concert, and we will possibly add the Lunar Lullaby from last year and last October's Seattle Sings festival. Here are those rehearsal resources:


Tomorrow Shall Be My Dancing Day

Traditional English, arr. Averitt

Rehearsal Recordings

Sheet Music - this draft copy will be replaced when our official copies arrived. At least it is something!

Performance Recording - scroll down and click on track #5

NOTES: no splits


There is No Rose 

Philip Stopford

Rehearsal Recordings

Sheet Music

Performance Recording

NOTES: no splits. Please follow all dotted connections (i.e. mm. 4, 10, 13-14, 20-21, ...) with no collective breath. Also,, no collective breath in m. 67.


The Boy Who Picked Up His Feet To Fly


Rehearsal Recordings

Sheet Music

Performance Recording

NOTES: All splits as marked EXCEPT in mm. 29-34 - all tenors on T2 and A2 sing the T1 line. In mm. 51-53 a three-part soprano split will be determined in rehearsal. Please learn mm. 36-38 as a whole chorus, not soloists.


High Flight


Rehearsal Recordings

Sheet Music

No Performance Recording Available, but here is the MIDI file from the JW Pepper site.

NOTES: No splits and, in fact, the tenors and basses will sing together on the bass line.


Lunar Lullaby


Rehearsal Recordings

Sheet Music

Performance Recording and here is the same piece where you can follow with the sheet music

NOTE: This has splits in all parts, but we will try splitting within each section. No hopping around!

Here is the performance recording from our Will Sing For Food Concert on June 15, 2019

Ode To Joy Postcard Front.jpg
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