REHEARSAL SCHEDULE updated 9/14/19
SEATING CHART (coming soon)
MUSIC, NOTES, AND PERFORMANCE RECORDINGS - presented in tentative concert order
Christmas Cantata
Rehearsal Recordings - these recordings do not include the splits below. Separate recordings for splits are HERE.
NOTES: This piece splits very little and where it does, we need a lot of volume on all parts. For that reason, I am largely choosing to have all tenors take the T2 or B1 note and have altos cover the T1. Exceptions may be made. Please follow the layout here unless told differently. In some places, it might be easier to write the new note in your own line (A2 and Tenors especially). Here are some photos of my score to help you in Mvt. 1 and at in Mvt. 3.
mm. 7-9 (last 3 measures before letter A) : A2 move to tenor, all tenors to B1, all basses on B2.
mm. 12-13 and 15-16: Use the same adjustment anywhere there are three notes for tenor and bass (on the word "Terris" and for all of mm. 15-16. This will make voice-leading sense once you get it in your ear.
mm. 45-50 (8 measures before letter C): A2 move to tenor, all tenors to B1, all basses on B2. Return to written parts for the 2 measures before C)
m. 50 (for the second syllable of "portare"): A1 sing a G (the tenor note) and all tenors stay on the T2 D.
In the first two bars of every refrain (mm. 1-2, 11-12, 19-20, 29-30, 33-34, 37-38): A2 move to tenor, all tenors to T2. A2 return to your part on the last two beats of the second measure on the words "et in."
For mm. 39-41, A2 stay on tenor, tenors on B1, all basses on B2.
At the very last measure (m. 42): A2 on T1, T1 on the T2 high G, T2 and some B1 on the B1 D and most basses on the B2 G.
In Dulci Jubilo
J.S. Bach
NOTES: no splits. Note the tempo and content change at m. 18 - end.
Tomorrow Shall Be My Dancing Day
Traditional English, arr. Averitt
Sheet Music - this draft copy will be replaced when our official copies arrived. At least it is something!
Performance Recording - scroll down and click on track #5
NOTES: no splits
Piae Cantiones, 1582, arr. Burrows
NOTES: The split part assignment are here. Looking for some in-house percussion players! Drum and tambourine!
There is No Rose
Philip Stopford
NOTES: no splits. Please follow all dotted connections (i.e. mm. 4, 10, 13-14, 20-21, ...) with no collective breath. Also,, no collective breath in m. 67.
Ding Dong! Merrily on High
Traditional English, arr. Cable
NOTES: no splits
O Come, O Come Emmanuel
Latin Antiphon, arr. Brunelle
Performance Recording - Click on the audio symbol under the listen column. This is the only recording available and not necessarily the division of voices that we will use.
NOTES: This piece divides the ensemble into 3 2-part choirs. Here are the choir assignments.
Sure on This Shining Night (ENSEMBLE ONLY)
Morton Lauridsen
NOTES: In mm. 38-43, m. 54 and m. 60 there are som split parts. The split part assignment are here.
Excerpts from Beethoven 9th Symphony Finale
Rehearsal Recordings - there are many available! Here are just plain part lines from Cyber Bass.
Here are ones with voice overs - Soprano, Alto, Tenor, Bass. You have to click a link for each section of measures.
Sheet Music The scores in our library have both English and German, which I think is harder to read than this score. You may wish to print a copy of this to use.
Performance Recording - sorry for the ads, but it's a good chorus with music to follow along with! The choral part does not start until 6:52. Main harmonized theme (familiar) is at 11:54. Another section we will surely perform in December is from 16:04 to 17:55.
NOTES: We will be learning the whole movement for our February Benaroya performance and performing some excerpts at this concert. No splits, just a lot of music to learn.
Here is a guide for marking your scores so that we can use our multiple editions.
Joyful, Joyful We Adore Thee
Beethoven, arr. Metzger
Sheet Music - Hymn (1st 3 verses). Descant (4th verse)
NOTES: Descant on the 4th verse - S1 on top (self-selecting for those comfortable hanging up there). S2 and some S1 on Middle. A1 on bottom of descant (which is the melody except for mm. 51-54). A2 on melody.
Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas
Martin & Blane, arr. Huff
Rehearsal Recordings -
NOTES: The split in the last two measures will have some altos on the T1 note, most tenors on the middle note and most basses on the low note.
Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy
Tchaikovsky, arr. Funk
Rehearsal Recordings
Performance Recording: some fun "choralography" (that we won't be doing, but cute to watch). However, we WILL be doing a repeat of the piece as fast as possible!
NOTES: Soprano divisi in mm. 10-12 and 38-40.